
A tribute to my parents Danny & Angela and all parents out there!

So, yet another week of 45+ hours. Even after being sent home an hour and a half early to kill over time. This has been going on for around about two and a half months now. At least I haven't had too many of those 50+ hour weeks, lol. I still really hate working every Sunday, Saturday, and closing 80% of the time.

Anyway more onto the point of this particular post.
During all this working the thing that keeps popping into my head the most is how my parents did this. I remember my mom getting up before the sun had ever dreamed of. Dressing me and my sister while we slept, carried us to the car and drove us to our grandmother's house where we later got on the bus for school. All the funky shifts my parents worked and never complained, at least not in detail and never very long, actually they just commented on how tired they were. And they were divorced so they did it on their own. No running around enjoying the single life, just working to feed, house, and clothe the kids.

I have a baby on the way, a six year old stepdaughter, rent, and bills to pay. This is what it's all about, family. Taking care of your family.
Having this experience has made me appreciate what they did for me. I know they worked their bodies into the ground in hopes I would never have to. Unfortunately I do. But their work was not in vein, I am a grown healthy man with my own family to do the same for and this makes me extremely proud. I may not be a doctor, a lawyer, a physicist, or an astronaut, but I am a man who will do what it takes to make sure his family is taken care of thanks to my parents hard work.

Thank you mom, thank you dad, for all you did for me to insure I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and teaching me what's most important in this world.

Call your parents and let them know how much you appreciate what they did/are doing for you. And tell your dad Happy Fathers Day!!!

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