
pandora.com's facebook link-up is awesome!

I don't know how many of you use Pandora Radio but if you don't you should. pandora.com use to be a decent site that I used sometimes and then that dwindled down to rarely and then not at all. Tonight I decided why not go there and listen to some music and see if I hear anything I had never heard before, maybe find a new band.
I was greeted with an awesome new feature I will most certainly enjoy! If you are signed into your facebook account when you go to pandora.com it will pull the bands from your music interest on your profile. I think this is a great feature because it used to be that you would enter a single band name or genre and you would listen to music based solely on the band or genre you entered, which after not too long can get boring. With this new feature, however, it pulls several different bands to compare music to. The result is much more vast, and varying musical possibilities. And that just makes for a greater and more enjoyable listening experience.

This is based on just going to pandora.com while signed into facebook on a separate tab. Not signing in or making an account. This will vary based on the amount of bands you have listed on your facebook.

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