
Feds Okay Monitoring Employees’ Internet and Social Media Actions

We all knew it was coming. For one, we already knew that some employers look up possible employees and current employees online like on facebook. But now it has reached an all new level of epic, and paranoid, proportions. Hide your half naked pictures, the photos of your bong or guns. Delete those hateful statuses. Because now employers no longer need to take this arduous task on themselves. They can hire someone to do it for them. That's right, it is now a career to facebook stalk.
OK, so not really stalk, but still this is a huge ball of retard-o b.s. Although I can see the idea of it. I wouldn't want to hire some half witted moron who appears good on paper and knows how to b.s. his way through an interview just to find he puts kittens in his microwave and posts pictures of it as art (extreme example, yes, but you get my point).
Still, I can't see how this is possible since when an employers calls a previous employer they have to stick to particular subjects such as attendance, time employed, etc. Not "is he a fan of 'Yelling at inanimate objects?'" Or "What is his religious/political standings?"
There is a good point. You have to sign a consent form just like with any other background check and  if it tends to be on the immoral side, such as sexual orientation, they may refuse to do it.

To be completely honest with you, I am biased, slighted, and even jilted towards this. If you would like to read the story and form your own opinion read it here

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